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Ensuring a Successful Remote Deposition

April 23, 2021

In recent years, remote depositions have been trending in the legal industry. However, due to Covid-19, this solution to depose witnesses with safety being the priority is now being utilized by legal professionals at an accelerated pace.

At Litigation Services, we provide our clients with a 100% HIPPA compliant secure platform to ensure confidentiality to the representing parties. As we are your partners in litigation support, our goal is to provide our clients with the tools and resources to ensure successful remote depositions.

When scheduling a remote deposition with us, our team is fully prepared from the beginning of the deposition to its completion. Our client managers will send an encrypted zoom link that will be password protected to the representing parties.

Videography. Recording the videoconference through Zoom can be done by the host or other participants; however, it is not allowed unless stipulated and agreed upon by all parties. We recommend having this feature disabled because Zoom will capture everything unless paused. Zoom recordings are not admissible in court.

Our videography team is available to capture the recording of the deposition. They will capture the deponent in a “pinned” video display and will control the video conference (VC pause, breaks, etc.). This provides the client with a finished synchronized video deposition that will be trial ready.

Exhibit Techs. Unlike sharing hard-copies of exhibits in a traditional in-person deposition setting, sharing exhibits will be done electronically through the share-screen feature on the remote deposition platform. Attorneys can share exhibits through this feature as well as using the annotation tool to highlight the areas in question, while court reporters digitally mark exhibits using exhibit stickers. We provide expert exhibit technicians which implement real-time exhibit sharing as each speaker is speaking, digitally annotating as well as marking the exhibits, and organizing and saving the final marked exhibits, allowing the attorney to focus solely on the deposition.

If utilizing our exhibit techs, they will serve as the “host” of the meeting. They will be able to control features such as placing attendees in waiting rooms and break-out rooms, locking meetings, removing participants, and placing attendees on hold; however, these features will not be accessible if they were not configured at the time of scheduling.

From the start to the completion of the deposition, our team is fully prepared to support you in your litigation needs. For a thorough tutorial of remote depositions, we conduct weekly Remote Deposition tutorials that are available as a resource to you, as well as receiving accreditation from the CLE board from the following states: AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, IL, IN, MD, MA, MI, NV, NH, OR, PA, SD, WV.